
City of Kennesaw Police Department

2539 J.O. Stephenson Ave
Phone: 770-422-2505
Business Hours: 7-5 (Admin Staff), 24/7 for policeEmail: dbuchanan@kennesaw-ga.govWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

The Kennesaw Police Department is a full-service municipal police agency committed to providing high-quality law enforcement to those who live, work, and travel through the City of Kennesaw. The Department operates in partnership with the community to protect life and property, preserve the peace, and prevent crime and disorder. Our department takes pride in our engagement with the community. Throughout the year, we hold multiple events (National Night Out, Touch-A-Truck, Citizens Police Academy, etc…) Our goal is to allow as many opportunities for our citizens to meet their police officers during a positive encounter. In 2009, the Department earned accreditation from CALEA (Commission for Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies), requiring putting policies and procedures in place to meet 463 standards, verifying their commitment to providing the best service for the city.