
Journey to Juno Beach

A Day at Loggerhead Marinelife Center

By Stephanie Freeman, Editor & Publisher July 15, 2023

Our last day at Mimi's house promised one final adventure, and it came in the form of an excursion to the Loggerhead Marinelife Center - a haven of marine conservation, a beacon for sea turtles, and a highlight of our visit. A place where we witnessed, firsthand, the passion and commitment of a nonprofit dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of these majestic ocean dwellers.

Located in Juno Beach, Florida, the Loggerhead Marinelife Center is known for its state-of-the-art sea turtle hospital, research laboratory, and educational exhibits. However, what truly sets it apart is its mission: to promote conservation of ocean ecosystems with a special focus on threatened and endangered sea turtles.

While our visit didn't coincide with a surgery, we did have a front-row seat to feeding time, an experience both Scarlett and I will treasure. One turtle in particular stood out due to its surprising aversion to squid, offering a charming glimpse into the unique personalities each turtle exhibits.

Eager to absorb everything the center had to offer, we decided to participate in a guided tour. However, as anyone with a three-year-old will understand, 100+ degree heat is not their best friend. Despite the heat, Scarlett impressed us with her resilience, curiosity, and unending excitement. She reveled in the opportunity to ask and answer questions with our knowledgeable guide, proving herself to be quite the budding marine biologist.

Of particular interest was a juvenile turtle named Dandelion, who seemed to enjoy racing around her tank. Each lap was greeted by Scarlett's cheers and applause, her love for these wonderful creatures growing with every passing moment. The array of sharks and fish in the aquariums also delighted her, a passion nurtured by frequent visits to the Georgia Aquarium, our local haven of marine life back home.

A long-sleeve t-shirt souvenir and an admittedly overpriced lollipop marked the end of our visit. However, the journey home was far from quiet. Scarlett's enthusiasm for what she had learned was infectious. As she chatted away, recounting every detail of her turtle encounters, Mimi and I couldn't help but smile. It's moments like these - moments where learning comes to life - that makes trips like these worth every moment.

In essence, the Loggerhead Marinelife Center is more than just a place; it's an unforgettable learning experience that instills a love and respect for the ocean and its inhabitants. It was humbling to witness the dedication and love the staff have for these creatures, as they nurse them back to health. More than just a day trip, our visit was an adventure of learning, wonder, and creating lasting memories that will always remind us of the importance of protecting our marine friends.

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